Miguel's Practice Writing Blog

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Paul Arden: The Eccentric Advertiser - 4th Entry

In the advertising world, ideas come and go. Whether it's an ad about flying cars, or an ad about chasing your dreams, advertisement ideas keep flying by to the view of the consumer to see what piques their interest and what they can do in helping businesses. Sometimes, ads are exceptional;  some are good; and some are just bad.But through the sea of ideas, there are ads that catch your eye and makes you wonder: How did he do that? One man who can give those kind of ads is Paul Arden, The Eccentric Advertiser. I discovered him 2 years ago, when I stumbled upon his book in a bookstore.

Who is Paul Arden? He was an eccentric advertiser with a keen eye for the unique and different. He worked as a creative director for Saatchi & Saatchi, an advertisement firm in London for 14 years. He had launched a slew of campaigns that propelled the clients involved to better sales and popularity, such as Toyota Cars, Fuji, The Independent (a newspaper line in London) and many others. He was also an author of books that had quotes and lessons about not just advertising but also about success in any chosen profession. The books derived away from typical topics of self-help and instead had unique topics that were not casual when read.

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"Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite"

So why do I believe he's outstanding? Because: First, he has a very eccentric but unique look at advertising. Whenever he's coming up with an idea for an ad, he doesn't do it in the conventional way as most advertisers would do. He always goes for the wrong approach. He goes for the way that no one else does. He'll make mistakes, he'll make people mad but in the end, the result astonishes people. Second, he is very fond of thought-provoking lessons that somehow apply to life. His first two books, It's Not How Good You Are But How Good You Want To Be  and Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite are filled with advice that might make you question him but give an impact on how you view life. Some of the quotes that really intrigue and amaze me:

"If you want to be interesting, be interested"
"It's right to be wrong"
"Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset that you can have"
"Fail, Fail Again. Fail Better - Samuel Beckett "
"Do it, then fix it as you go"
"Don't be afraid of silly ideas"
"If you get stuck, draw with a different pen"

Third, his success with his clients truly fascinate me. It's hard to explain how he can come up with some of the best ads that encapsulate what the company is all about. One of the ads I liked was for the British newspaper The Independent:

IT IS - ARE YOU? http://www.adslogans.co.uk/site/media/.gallery/main8405.jpg

This ad alone shows his great skill. How did he come up with that? It just shows the newspaper and the line. But you can see that it he only made simple text with a powerful promotion.  And fourth, he is an inspiration for the rebellious and the unique. He doesn't conform to the standard and always praises those who are non-conformists. He is an individual and never looks back. He encourages everyone from a person who left school to managers to just about anyone to become the best in their field.

It isn't just advertising; he is an amazing individual and he inspires me to embrace myself. His personality, his intellect and his skills show just how good he was in his craft. In short, this is why I think Paul Arden is outstanding. 

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