Miguel's Practice Writing Blog

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Little Big Improvements from Exercising

Many of us today are exercising for good health. We exercise to improve our breathing, to increase our endurance and to achieve those six-pack abs that will have everyone going crazy over us. It's a noble thing, to exercise for the sake of our health. But sometimes, we don't notice the improvements that we gain from exercising. At first, you think that after exercising for weeks you don't see the belly you have shrink to a considerable size. You think that your efforts were nothing but a waste.

But you shouldn't just look at how it changes you physically outside. You have to see how it changes you physically inside. The improvements begins there. Exercising changes the way our body adapts to an ever-changing environment. When you don't exercise, climbing stairs has you breathing hard and your legs hurting.
But when you exercise, you'll notice how easy it becomes in climbing stairs. When you don't exercise, running around with kids or friends will have you winded. But when you exercise, you can catch them faster than the road runner.

Exercising also helps improve your sleeping, your thinking, your flexibility and everything else. You have to look at it from a different point of view. It isn't just for that hunky body type you want.While you may see that you don't look like a model, you will feel like a model.

Even the Buddha-looking guy is fitter than a scrawny nerdy guy. So keep on exercising and eventually, you'll have that model body you've been looking for. The greatest and fittest people of the world are above 50 years old. So what are you waiting? Get running already!

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